290 research outputs found


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    This work introduces LibreDTE, an initiative providing software tools and support for electronic invoicing in Chile. LibreDTE is mainly built upon libredte-lib, a free software library that directly connects with the Chilean Internal Revenue Service, thus enabling automatic emissions of official e-invoices and other electronic tax documents. LibreDTE is either: (1) the first (and so far, the only one) Chilean framework for free-software-driven e-invoicing, and (2) an official software solution with featured e-business capabilities. In this paper, we describe both, the community (or free software) version, and the official (or commercial) version of LibreDTE. We focus on their primary building blocks and major technical differences, and we show, in a tutorial way, some of the key design considerations behind their common e-invoice generation. We also discuss some lessonslearned from earlier implementations, as well as the latest (and promising) features incorporated within the official version.This paper was partially supported by National Funds through FCT/MCTES (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology), within the CISTER Research Unit (UIDP/UIDB/04234/2020) and by FCT through the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) Norte 2020, under grant 2020.06685.BDinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tablets y aplicaciones para la enseñanza del Inglés en Educación Primaria

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    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado tiene la intención de aportar información actualizada sobre la incorporación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación a las aulas, con la utilización de las tabletas o tablets, pequeños ordenadores móviles y ligeros, táctiles y atractivos, a las que dedicaremos este trabajo. Intentaremos aportar luz sobre las posibilidades que ofrece el mercado, susceptibles de ser utilizadas durante la etapa de Primaria y aportar nuestro punto de vista sobre ventajas e inconvenientes que ofrecen las tablets en la clase de inglés. Somos conscientes del peligro que corremos en cuanto a lo reciente de estos recursos tecnológicos, la escasez de documentación histórica y la rapidez con que se suceden los acontecimientos en temas tecnológicos. Por ese motivo, aunque analicemos aplicaciones y recursos específicos, lo haremos intentando ver la universalidad de tales asuntos. Basado en una experiencia real, comentaremos una configuración concreta a nivel de hardware y software, consistente en un carro de tablets, mostrando que es sencillo y económico disponer de herramientas TIC en el aula de Primaria en la actualidad.Grado en Educación Primari

    A Linked Data Platform adapter for the Bugzilla issue tracker

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    The W3C Linked Data Platform (LDP) specification defines a standard HTTP-based protocol for read/write Linked Data and pro- vides the basis for application integration using Linked Data. This paper presents an LDP adapter for the Bugzilla issue tracker and demonstrates how to use the LDP protocol to expose a traditional application as a read/write Linked Data application. This approach provides a exible LDP adoption strategy with minimal changes to existing applications

    Seven challenges for RESTful transaction models

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    The REpresentational State Transfer (REST) architectural style describes the design principles that made the World Wide Web scalable and the same principles can be applied in enterprise context to do loosely coupled and scalable application integration. In recent years, RESTful services are gaining traction in the industry and are commonly used as a simpler alternative to SOAP Web Services. However, one of the main drawbacks of RESTful services is the lack of standard mechanisms to support advanced quality-ofservice requirements that are common to enterprises. Transaction processing is one of the essential features of enterprise information systems and several transaction models have been proposed in the past years to fulfill the gap of transaction processing in RESTful services. The goal of this paper is to analyze the state-of-the-art RESTful transaction models and identify the current challenges

    morph-LDP: an R2RML-based Linked Data Platform implementation

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    The W3C Linked Data Platform (LDP) candidate recom- mendation defines a standard HTTP-based protocol for read/write Linked Data. The W3C R2RML recommendation defines a language to map re- lational databases (RDBs) and RDF. This paper presents morph-LDP, a novel system that combines these two W3C standardization initiatives to expose relational data as read/write Linked Data for LDP-aware ap- plications, whilst allowing legacy applications to continue using their relational databases

    Haptic Zoom: An Interaction Model for Desktop Haptic Devices with Limited Workspace

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    [EN] Haptic devices can be used to feel through the sense of touch what the user is watching in a virtual scene. Force feedback devices provide kinesthetic information enabling the user to touch virtual objects. However, the most reasonably priced devices of this type are the desktop ones, which have a limited workspace that does not allow a natural and convenient interaction with virtual scenes due to the difference in size between them and the workspace. In this paper, a brand-new interaction model addressing this problem is proposed. It is called Haptic Zoom and it is based on performing visual and haptic amplifications of regions of interest. These amplifications allow the user to decide whether s/he wants more freedom in movements or an accurate interaction with a specific element inside the scene. An evaluation has been carried out comparing this technique and two well-known desktop haptic device techniques. Preliminary results showed that haptic zoom can be more useful than other techniques at accuracy tasks.SIA. G. acknowledges a FPU fellowship provided by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte of Spain

    Desarrollo sostenible en las cuencas hidrográficas de los ríos Campoalegre, La Esmeralda y La Vieja, a partir del sistema de pagos por servicios ambientales : caso caficultura en Belén de Umbría

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    CD-T 333.72 A94; 171 pEl presente trabajo de investigación permite conocer sobre la relación entre el sistema de Pagos por Servicios Ambientales (PSA) con el cultivo de café presentes en el municipio de Belén de Umbría en Risaralda, cuyos desechos tienen influencia sobre la cuenca de La Esmeralda. Para ello se realizaron encuestas a caficultores de dicha región, donde se rigen pagos por servicios ambientales del banco Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KFW) a través de la Federación Nacional de Caficultores. Con lo anterior se identifica la medida de Pagos por Servicios Ambientales ha impulsado el Desarrollo Sostenible de la comunidad de Belén de Umbría. Debido a los problemas medioambientales que han surgido durante los últimos años en el mundo, del mismo modo surgen posibilidades para disminuir dichos daños, se da inicio a esta investigación permitiendo conocer la importancia del uso de incentivos como la asistencia técnica y el Pagos por Servicios Ambientales PSA como estrategia para hacer menos nociva la actividad cafetera en el municipio de Belén de Umbría.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereir

    Polystyrene/sepiolites nanocomposite foams: Relationship between composition, particle dispersion, extensional rheology, and cellular structure

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    Producción CientíficaThe main objective of this work is to analyze how the cellular structure of foamed polystyrene based (PS) nanocomposites, produced by gas dissolution foaming, is affected by the extensional rheological behavior of the polymer matrix and by the dispersion degree of the particles. These composites have been produced with different types of natural and organomodified sepiolites and with different contents of these particles. The extensional behavior and the dispersion degree were characterized by extensional and shear dynamic rheology, respectively. The results obtained indicate that the extensional rheological behavior controls the foam degeneration mechanisms; meanwhile, the way in which the particles are dispersed in the PS matrix controls the nucleation mechanisms. Results also indicate that, in these systems, the characteristics of the cellular structure are mainly defined by the way in which nucleation occurs. Therefore, improving the dispersion degree is a key approach to reduce the cell size by 90%, with respect to the pure polymer.Junta de Castilla y León (project VA202P20)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (project RTI2018-098749-B-I00

    Implementation of Computation Methodologies through Python Programming Language for Subjects Taught in the School of Naval Engineering of the UPM

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    [EN] The global target of this project is to improve the e ficiency of the students learning results by incorporating active learning methodologies such as the Python programming language which will improve theinterdisciplinarity and both horizontal and vertical academic coordination. We are also developing a complete repository, educational resources, and online videos in order to make the interaction and self-learning easier[ES] El objetivo de este proyecto es mejorar la eficiencia en los resultados de aprendizaje de los estudiantes, incorporando metodologías activas de aprendizaje como es la programación en el lenguaje Python. Este tipo de iniciativas se espera que favorezcan la interdisciplinariedad y la coordinación curricular de tipo horizontal y vertical. También buscamos desarrollar un repositorio de notebooks, recursos docentes, y videos online, que faciliten la experimentación así como el aprendizaje autónomoGonzález Gutiérrez, LM.; Cercós Pita, JL.; Esteban Burgos, D. (2016). Implantación de metodologías de cálculo a través del lenguaje Python para asignaturas impartidas en las titulaciones de la ETSIN. Modelling in Science Education and Learning. 9(1):151-160. doi:10.4995/msel.2016.4597.SWORD1511609

    Academic Success Assessment through Version Control Systems

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    [EN] Version control systems’ usage is a highly demanded skill in information and communication technology professionals. Thus, their usage should be encouraged by educational institutions. This work demonstrates that it is possible to assess if a student can pass a computer science-related subject by monitoring its interaction with a version control system. This paper proposes a methodology that compares the performance of several machine learning models so as to select the appropriate predicting model for the assessment of the students’ achievements. To fit predicting models, three subjects of the Degree in Computer Science at the University of León are considered to obtain the dataset: computer organization, computer programming, and operating systems extension. The common aspect of these subjects is their assignments, which are based on developing one or several programs with programming languages such as C or Java. To monitor the practical assignments and individual performance, a Git repository is employed allowing students to store source code, documentation, and supporting control versions. According to the presented experience, there is a huge correlation between the level of interaction for each student and the achieved grades.SIUniversidad de León (Support Plan for Teaching Innovation Groups (PAGID))European Commission ( Grant 2018-1-ES01-KA201-050939: ROBOSTEAM–Integrating Steam and Computational Thinking development by using Robotics and Physical Devices